
$120M Multifamily Acquisition Rehab of LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credit) properties.

IPG Services Provided

Property identification, underwriting, contract negotiation, designed renovation scope, sourced and negotiated joint venture and debt financing.

Our experts on this project

The Assignment

  • $120M, 574 units acquired on behalf of Eden Housing from Related California.
  • Acquisition, renovation and preservation of two large properties with expiring tax credits and in dire need of renovation.
  • Challenge was to provide acquisition, renovation and bridge financing to an ultimate resyndication with new tax credits.
  • Significant renovation budget of $80M ($140K/unit).

The Challenges


Buyer was a non-profit entity


Required multiple state and local agency approvals


Required sophisticated financing structure

  • Buyer was a non-profit entity vying for a high profile acquisition opportunity with a competitive bidding process involving multiple for-profit buyers.
  • Required multiple state and local agency approvals which were ultimately obtained within 90 days.
  • Required sophisticated financing structure with multiple parties to secure loan, mezzanine financing and equity joint venture within 90 days.

The Success


Won highly competitive bidding process


Obtained financing within 90 days


Obtained regulatory approvals in 90 days

  • Won highly competitive bidding process through strength and credibility of Buyer and demonstration of financing commitments.
  • Obtained joint venture, mezzanine loan and debt financing requiring less than 2% of sponsor equity within 90 days of contract execution.
  • Obtained regulatory approvals from CDLAC, TCAC, San Diego Housing Commission and HUD within 90 days of contract execution.
  • Preserved 574 units of affordable housing with long term stewardship of an experienced non-profit entity.
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