Significance of Tenant Services

Your real estate is a direct reflection of your business and what it represents. It is the first image you put forth to the world, and often, the first thing people see. Your location welcomes your clients and has the potential to attract top talent, painting a picture that illuminates who you are as a company and what you do. In addition, your real estate must support your operational needs efficiently, providing a base of operations that makes everything else possible.

Support and Tenant Advisory Services

Our tenant services experts go above and beyond to make sure every part is handled smoothly. Whether corresponding with furniture vendors, contractors, IT consultants or connecting tenants to workplace experts, IPG team’s goal is to make sure tenants have everything they need from the very first moment.


Our team specializes in tenant advisory and tenant representation services, offering expert guidance to secure the perfect location for your business. Space has to work for you, rather than you having to work around its limitations. Whether you’re looking for a property to lease or for an asset to purchase, we work with you to identify the best options in the marketplace, options that address the demands of your business while putting your best face forward.

Mind the Expenses With Ipg Lease Expenses Advisory

Each year commercial real estate tenants spend millions of dollars above their base rent in operating expenses. Unlike the rental rate that is negotiated in the lease document, these operating expenses charges are subject to each property owners’ operating and accounting procedures.

Many times, tenants are overcharged from unintentional errors to questionable spending and accounting practices.

Saving Your Money With Our Lease Audit Experts

Through a commercial lease audits program and a detailed lease analysis of terms and validation of charges, IPG can ensure that amounts billed to our clients are correct.

This involves a stringent document review including amendments, invoices, and various ancillary billing and contractual materials. This can also include a review of the property manager’s books and records.

International CRE Services

An Intelligent, Accountable Approach to International Real Estate

IPG’s team of international property brokers is led by Erich Strisik, an absolute professional in ways of global commercial real estate. Our CRE international team specializes in strategy development and the implementation of real estate solutions. Our clients have a significantly different type of experience when working with us because:

IPG’s International real estate services are strategy-driven

We start every global CRE assignment by analyzing and understanding each client’s issues and opportunities and working with them to develop sophisticated strategies. We then agree on specific goals with which to implement and measure our performance. We are not brokerage-driven.

This avoids counterproductive conflicts of interest. Instead of putting an individual’s brokerage revenues ahead of the client’s requirements, we can structure project goals and compensation to appropriately align our interests with yours. For example, we have in the past developed strategies that recommended against doing certain transactions – something that brokerage-driven firms avoid because of compensation conflicts.

IPG International real estate brokers do not do “hand-offs”

At IPG, our dedicated tenant rep professionals personally oversee your project’s success. Anywhere in the world, whether in Miami or Bratislava, we actively advocate on your behalf and represent your interests. You will know who is representing you, and who to hold accountable for results. Clients give us positive reviews about these differences.

One of them characterizes us as a provider of European-style real estate services, but not just because of our CRE international roots. When it comes to global commercial real estate, our processes and incentives are designed to provide you a “trusted advisor” experience that differs from most North American-based firms.

Tenant Services We Offer

  • Corporate Real Estate Strategy
  • Acquisition of Office, R&D, and Manufacturing
  • Disposition of Specialty Facilities
  • Lease & Purchase Negotiations
  • Portfolio Optimization
  • Facilities Planning
  • Incentives & Site Selection
  • NPV Lease Analytics
  • Project Management & Delivery
  • MTA Support
  • Property & Facility Management
  • Appraisal & Valuation Services
  • Demographic & Market Analysis
  • Tenant Advisory & Consulting
  • Technology & IT Assessment
  • Peer Experiences and Best Practices
  • Tenant Lease Versus Purchase Analysis

Tenant Purchasing Services We Offer

  • Acquisition Feasibility Studies
  • Net Present Value Analysis
  • Lease-To-Own Structuring
  • Developer Negotiations
  • Purchase Sale Agreements
  • Property Due Diligence
  • Development Proformas
  • Financing Lender Options
  • Construction Management

IPG Lease Audits Services benefits include

  • Brings leases back in line with the original financial projections
  • Recovers overpayment from Landlord
  • Provides security in knowing that leases are in material compliance
  • Increases landlord awareness of errors
  • Improves internal controls
  • Identifies areas for improvements of future tenure
  • Performance-based fees (compensation occurs only out of generated savings)

Why should you request an IPG Lease Advice?

  • Tenants operating expenses are second only to payroll expenses
  • Real Estate is not your business focus, but it is your Landlord’s business
  • A lease analysis shows you exactly what the Landlord bills you for and keeps them honest
  • IPG has been on the Landlord side, understands their mindset and knows what to look for
  • Errors are made, which if unaccounted for, can be quite costly over time
  • Lease Audits Experts save capital that can be applied to your core business focus
  • IPG will handle all the work and is only compensated out the savings generated