
Science Corp. is revolutionizing the way medical devices and consumer electronics interact, with a focus on developing advanced technologies to address debilitating conditions for which there currently exist unmet needs.

They are an innovator in the healthcare device industry, dedicated to advancing treatments and technologies to enable individuals with extreme disabilities to gain a better quality of life. An exemplary device from Science Corp is their advanced optogenetic visual prosthesis, which utilizes light sent through the optic nerve to treat serious blindness due to photoreceptor loss.

Such technology eradicates the need for doctors to drill holes into a patient’s skull and can speed up recovery time from serious brain diseases. Science Corp’s commitment to utilizing cutting-edge technologies provides vital solutions that are revolutionizing medical research and treatment.

As their innovative solutions become increasingly sophisticated over time, Science Corp. is setting out to make an indelible impact on humanity by enhancing life quality in ways previously thought unimaginable.

IPG Services Provided

  • Site selection
  • Project management

Our experts on this project

The Assignment

  • Chris Baker proved himself to be an exemplary asset of the team when he took on the assignment to find the suitable location for Science Corp. He knew that it had to meet all their needs and be available as soon as possible and put in extra effort to make sure that his search ended with success.
  • With his knowledge, great intuition and persistence, Chris managed to come up with the perfect solution. Within the short amount of time he was given, he was able to save Science Corp from having to go through a long, tiring process of finding what they needed.

The Challenges


Rising life science rents


Competitive market


Finding the optimal solution

The Success


Negotiating the right terms


Ensuring below the market rent


Finding the optimal space for client

When tasked with the difficult job of finding the right lab space for Science Corp, Chris Baker exceeded expectations. His astute insights enabled him to negotiate favorable terms, secure a below market rent, and provide an optimal workspace solution for the client’s needs.

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